Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013! ♥

Gbye 2012!

 Hello 2013...

Well, here we are ppl w/new day....and ofcorz w/new hopes and dreams, start ur new day w/new spirit and gud wishes O:)

If we luk back, there are milion memories we had dat we cudnt even forget as long as we are stil alive, weell mine is I can say dat 2012 was d hardest year since I was born, coz I just got d heartache, and it was so bad, so hurtin me, just lyk a nytmare but am glad now just wakin up, where I c d ppl, realy c their true colours, when ppl I knew just hurted me, I wil neva want to hurt ‘em back, I know I always plant d patience, ppl say God loves patient ppl, God always w/those ppl...I was thinkin dat God neva loved me :’( coz when I got dat hurt lyk aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Y I have to get dis kind of pain??? shit y me???? Y?? Wats ma fault??? Am always gud w/ppl then y ppl bad to me??! I wondered wats wrong w/maself?! *noanswer*


I c God loves me, ma friends love me, made me strong and think dat am stil alive and wat I just got even soo bad and hard but I just cudnt give up easily, coz I know problems wil always come around to ppl, no need to invite and even we have locked d door, d problems may enter thru d window, u c now dat d problems are unwanted things but its not a lyf w/o problems soo just hmmm face it...

w/endless suport and shoulder to cry on...I raised, am glad I can do it coz I think dat I was just sinkin in deep black holee, I thanked to all ma kind hearted friends who always there for me :) I got new friends but study was so sucks, I disapointed ma parents :’( am not proud of d result, it was so embarasin but experience is always d best lesson to learn & I think I learned already hmmm well hope so, just c d next result then afta final exam dat wil be held on Jan 3rd 2013, u know lyk its true dat if we are gud, we wil get gud place too, no mater wat wil hapen, no mater how hard it can be, in d end, u wil get all wat u have done, coz when d ppl hurt u but if ure w/big heart to acept d reality and just be patient, u know lyk a miracle wil ALWAYS come, and d ppl who hurted u, wil get d SAME HURT WAT THEY JUST DID TO U EVEN WORST!!! Soo no need to waste our precious tym for touchin d dust, coz even d wind cud take ‘em away, maybe am d type of person who gud to motivate ppl who realy down but am d one who doesnt know how to do it w/maself, am d one who always tells ppl to not thinkin much bot things bother their mind, but am d one who always think much, I always tell ppl to calm but cudnt even calm maself sumtyms -___-“ coz ITS HARD! Just lyk a barber who can cut ppl’s hair but he even cudnt do it to himself, dats wat I mean bot....

just lyk hmmm I was just talkin w/ma budy, she told me dat she confused bot her heart, she said dat “ma feelin is wrong coz I lyk ma bestfriend” i said “noo, dont eva u blame ur feelin coz love is neva wrong (sudenly just rememba d song w/d title is “love is neva wrong” :p) and love just comes w/o invitation even tot we’d neva tot bfore, if love already choosed, no one can escape” then again said “but Idk exactly do I love him or not coz hes ma bestfriend but y I always think of him these days” I said “its love and am sure it is coz y hes always on ur mind lyk d security of ur mind? -___-“ she said “ya and ma friends also told me dat he lyks me too, even they tot dat me and him are bf and gf, coz we luk lyk a couple not bestfriends” then I just told her “u c u love him and so does he even ppl told u so wat doubt bot? U know sumone told me dat if 2 ppl in love, it means dat love from God means God already approved their love” then she said “d thing is he neva come colege anymore coz he wanted move out, and actualy he was our junior in high schol” ....hmmm dat I realy think dat we wil neva know wat wil hapen, just lyk he was our junior in high school and I hve seen him too many tyms but neva tot dat ma budy wud fal in love in him but yeah it just hapened .... so I just told her “dont wory then, if u both meant to be, u both wud find d way back” she was hopelessly said “am not sure if he realy does love me coz he has a gf” I was “aaahhh wat d fuuuck just forget him! Coz I dont want he hurts u, he doesnt deserve u, ure too gud and so many boys outside, not only him, he just gives nothin, only fake hopes, if he realy loves u then he wil come and show u if not then just forget him, I know easy to say but I can say dat coz I hve been thru w/d same case, when I love a boy for years long tym, but he had a gf, I know I loved him and hurts to know but its pointless and useless coz hes already taken & I dont even want to disturb ppl’s hapines and u c now I can forget him, I dont love him anymore, by tym, yeah tym cud heal all kind of pains” am w/sumone too now and he replaces anotha love dat was in ma heart, he owns all ma heart, no rum for anotha love....well ma budy was just “hmm ya I c coz ma friends also said dat he just gives u fake hopes, I got it”


I realy do hope dat she listens me and her friends, hope she wil try to get ova him, even I know its not easy for her, d thing is shes so easily to fall, I cant blame her coz shes a lovly gal who has soft and kind hearted, well two gals talked from heart to heart, well yeah dis new year me and her just alone *siiigh* she was in her home, and me yes was home too, kinda felt unwell, headache and was weird one, just huh cudnt join w/friends, I tot it wud be borin new year as just me and ma lil bro were at home, realy unexpected new year -__-“ d fireworks already showed off their lights in d sky even bfore new year -__-“ kinda unpatient they are :D they were BOOOOMM hitin ma ears :D but they lyk told dat “hey its beta u watch us then u cover ur ears w/d songs in ur playlist, we are realy kewl -_- dont miss it” soo when d tym was 00:00 I opened ma window and saw oh yess guys y’all are kewl -_- , I saw d dark sky became cheerful & colorful and saw d moon, it was lyk a lonely moon and it jst lyk talked to me, I was starin at d sky and d moon lyk attracted me, I didnt c any starts, only moon, fireworks & d dark sky....d moon lyk asked “hey u c d fireworks?” I answered in ma heart “I c d euforia of new year but fireworks are nothin, ure d brightest & d lightest one in d sky” I was thinkin dat how beautiful d world is, how powerful God is, we all have same sky, we all have same moon, we all can c d moon lyk d moon is so close but nooo, milion miles betwen d moon and us...and we just have DISTANCE, I bet sky is always hapy in new year coz its d tym when nyt luks so brighter and lighter than usualy, ppl in d world celebrate it and lyk just thankful for d sky, thankful for acompanyin ppl for ova a year, thankyou for d nyt, w/o nyt, firework is nothin, I can say dat everythin is useful in dis world, maybe sumtyms we only c d bad side but theres ALWAYS gud side....sudenly I rememba dat am not alone, theres ma bro was watchin tv in parents’ rum, so I came and saw him under blanket, huged pillow, I rememba he said “when new year comes, I wud go out and blow ma trumpet” I was laughin and said “yeah lyk a crazy person alone blow trumpet :D” and he was laughin too :D hes so proud told me dat he made his own trumpet, I know hes creative but d trumpet just too gud and I dnt belive he made it, I tot he bought it but nooo hes lyk “well ask mum then, I was decoratin ma trumpet so it luks gud lyk dis in early morning, wat do u think? Gud ryt? I can seelll trumpet next year :D “ ahhh he just made me laugh even tot Idk he lies or not, so then when I entered rum, I whispered him “hey its newyear, blow ur trumpet” I saw his sweet face, I touched his cheeks and kissed his forhead then he was movin his body and sinkin in dream and I guessed I disturb him soo I pinched his cheks, turned off d tv and left him sleep calm....its okay then u will meet d newyear soon when u wke up :) then I came back watch d fireworks and d lonely moon, I was feeelin so calm and relax, I enjoy d sounds of d fireworks as ma mind flashesback d memories in 2012 bot d pain and hurts, bot d lesson I learned, ma sins & mistakes :( actualy have a bit fear of 2013 which is comin, am afraid get d same hurt anymore, am afraid it so bad but I think forward dat I wil always be okay in d end :’) ma imagination bot wat wil I get in 2013 sudenly vanished by ma neighbour’s fireworks, and they were shoutin “auuw wou...wou...wou” I was lyk aahhhhhhhh >.< wat d heck those guys lyk tarzans -___-“ then I think dat woah I bet ppl who seelll fireworks, corn, fishes, meats & chickens hapy coz those stuuffs become so expensive than usual and ppl who wil celebrate it, willy-nilly have to buy...then I c dat God is soo kind and fair, ppl can earn money by sellin dat kind of stuuffs dat maybe ppl may tease ‘em and think low lyk ewwh ure just a seler bla bla bla but so wat?? As long as its not dirty job, wat for we are rich if we have job only as a murder maybe or coruptors, in d end just we wil lose our money for bribin d cops and judges...only suffer in d end, well its d way we all live, we cudnt live w/o money but money is not everythin in dis world but its hapiness and as we are all human, we are all same, dont eva underestimate ppl from their jobs, u wil neva enjoy d new year w/o fireworks, wat wud d earth say??? If new year w/o fireworks, its lyk eatin tasteless food :3 u shud be thankful othawise, u c dat eveyrthin is useful in dis world, dont eva underestimate things, coz u may need it later .. so HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 UNIVERSE! WISH WE ALL WIL BE BETA PERSONS, AAMIIN..YOLO!!!

Happy New Year 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Miss Ya Sis :'( ♥♥♥

I miss sumone so badly now......
Idk y sudenly remind of her  :(
Sista.....Idk hows ur condition now :( but I hope everythin’s  goin okay w/u there :(  its sad I cant even comunicate w/u or maybe u hate me coz I deleted u and chosen a guy ova u :(  I did not mean to hurt u, neva acros on ma mind, I rememba d tym when u were always here next to me, suported me and made me strong, missin u so badly :( and Idk wat to do, but I wil pray for u, wish d best and gud for u, ur lyf, ur fam. How r ya then? Ur mum? Ur sis? Bro? :( hope u and all are gud and fit....if we are meant to be maybe we cud meet one day, whereva ure I hope u always hapy and one day u realy wil find ur hapines and can heal ur heart which hurts, wish u can find ur prince charmin who realy loves and care for u, just forget d past, it was not worthy AT ALL...but u got d lesson so hope be careful more in takin step and also to let ppl come in in ur lyf, even tot we are so far and hve distance but ure always close to me coz ure in ma heart and a part of it as a person who exists in ma lyf yesterday now and tomorow :’)  actualy I dont hate u and no neva, I believe every person I met in ma lyf has a reason, I wonder wats d reason I met u?! Maybe its not d end yet so Idk yet d reason exactly :)
So am so sory if I eva hurted u sis :’( ♥♥♥

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

♥♥♥Adam Noah Levine♥♥♥

Just temme who doesnt lyk dis hawt guy? hmmm Idk y just I love him, his sexy voice, so great in singin and hes really sexy yeah and hawt just ADORE him xx
A= Adam
D= Dita
M= Mwah..mwah
LOL :P :P :P :D

kewl  <3

lol run as long as u can (dies)
machooo ;)
lucky gal <3
in concert 
neva got bored w/dis song <3 <3 <3

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dear Diary....

Dear blog……..
I missed ma diary -__-“ dont get mad please peace A:”> Idk y suddenly just remind d moments when I was w/ma lovely diary hello kitty :p and dat diary was a gift for ma birthday from ma bestfriend when I was in junior high school grade VII, its multifunctional diary, I said it is bcoz in dat diary thre were so many biodata of ma friends, sum notes of ma friends, they wrote for wat they felt well I let em to write wateva they wanted J  and ofcorz ma notes for wat I felt everyday, I was writin every nyt, hmmm bot LOVE, FRIENDSHIP etc, when am happy or sad, share smile, laugh or tears…well idk y am so comfort to write it and just let ma hand moves in line by line w/wat I felt in ma heart..diary neva talked to me, cudnt….neva…even if it cud well it might gimme suggest when am in confusion, wud laugh and smile wheneva am happy and probably wud cry and sad when am sad L so just ma old diary fulls already and I have stopped writin, but guess wat?! not really stop, just “BREAK” lol sounds lyk relation :P :P :P  last tym when I was 15 years old, it was d last paper of ma diary and same tym passed ma junior high school and dat tym was d saddest story coz I wrote it for all ma dear classmates, how we passed it together, been thru  and will be in new page (high school) lol so I just was remindin 3years togetha w/em all, sad, happy, laugh lol even we have been chased by teacher coz of we didn’t enter for sport class coz we worked assignment for biology lol just lyk Tom & Jerry till ma teacher took all our bags and he wont give it except our parents lol soo dat tym ma buddy asked her driver lol and pretended to be her dad soo we all safe :D :p unforgettable moment, he chased us till canteen then we ran to class, he chased us back till class and we are so naughty just ran back to canteen LOL when I remind dat, it makes me LOL as always :D :D :D and I have friend hes fatty and he was tired and stop runnin then ma teacher caught him hahhaha and I think its same, we all did sport too by runaway from teacher :D omg missed dat so bad -__-“ ma diary tooooooooo -___-“ and I think I shud buy new one and start to write again coz blog is not makin me really satisfy, I cant write evry nyt on blog coz I hve privacy for secret stories dat not for public :”> and one day I will let d one I love d most to read all ma stories J

Saturday, May 26, 2012


May 26th 2012 … so excited coz it was d day ma mum goes back home and thres a friendly match at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta…Indonesia VS FC Internazionale Milano (Inter Milan) sooo really waited em all…on Friday 25th I was watchin Indonesian Idol 2012..and they are Top 6 and they are so great even am confused and dnt know who will be eliminated..but whoeva he/she is, he/she is already a winner bcoz it had entered d top 6 and for me its not easy..but I knew who is he/she…she is Rosa and soo bad coz I lyk her I mean shes great and she has great voice but its okay d rest are Top 5 and they are great too..I waited also d guests star..they are Javier Zanetti and friends lol from Inter..soo Javier Zanetti surprised!!!  he sang an Italian song lol it was funny and I gave him thumbs up for his self-confidence hahahahhaha he accepted d challenge from Daniel Mananta (d host of Indonesian Idol) 

enjoy :P

LOL hahahhaha it was sooo funny ryt and d next day, exactly Saturday I was watchin d friendly match and while watchin, ma dad prepared to pick ma mum up at d airport but I was not goin w/dad coz I was watchin lol and dnt wanna miss it so jst ma bro went w/dad and thx coz when d match ova ma mum hvent arrived yet so I took d ryt decision to not goin lol -___-“  If I was soo I wud miss it…and Indonesia VS FC Internazionale Milano (2-4) well I think its not bad..yeah we all know dat Europe is beta than Asia but ma country can make two goals lol and its not easy, u c Inter Milan is so great team..and actually am proud altot lost but jst proud atleast 2 is beta than 0 lol -___-“ well actually am glad to c ma mum back home but am sad too coz shes sick yaa fever plus headache and trust me it makes me suffer to c her lyk dat soo she jst arrived and layin on bed and so thx Allah…ma sis is studyin nurse soo she treated ma mum and afta she checked, ma mum got fever 39° Celcius and I cant help to c her lyk dat…I sat beside her and I was massagin her head and she was bit screamin coz its really hurts she felt and I massaged it tenderly and thx afta ma sis and me treated her..she said her head is bit beta than bfore and her fever bcame 38° Celcius well atleast beta than 39° and she saw me and ma sis bit were sleepy coz it was 3am and she said “mum okay now, go sleep” but I knw shes not…shes restlessness and mybe too tired..well ma sis said she has to check doctor and mybe today ya on Sunday she will go…I’d rather get sick than c ma mum sick…she deserves happy and healthy well yeah but I knw we are all jst human soo I cant do anything..and dats bad u knw feel bad L and hope she gets well soon…gws mum and be strong mwahhh lovee uuuu well dats all ma story today..graziee J

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I miss ma wonder woman ♥♥♥ :)

Am stil awakenin at dis tym..but its nt d first tym…insom makes me lyk hearin now ma dad in d kitchen mybe he is makin coffee well ma mum went to Jakarta for reunion w/her high school’s friends for a week..she will go home on dis Saturday Insha always ma parents talk eachotha in d dad waits for d breakfast and ma mum as his great wify prepares d brkfast…I know ma dad misses ma mum so much…so do I :’( since ma mum went well ma dad alwys bg w/his glad they are so romantic old couple…textin eachotha lyk teenagers…kollin “mam” and “pap” when textin awww so sweeett and am envy -___-“ even when ma dad at office hes kollin almost 7tyms a day jst to talk w/ma mum and sumtyms interviewed me…as alwys wheneva I pick up d phone…and when I hear ma dad’s halo | dad: ya | me: wanna talk w/mum? (lol to d point) | dad: ya wat is she doin? | me: nothin, and then I scream “maaaaa, telephone” | mum: from? | me: dad | mum: okay wait …and when ma mum is doin sumthin or dad alwys undrstnds and say “oh dnt kol her, dnt dstrb”…and wheneva I pick up d phone at noon, ma dad alwys asks “don’t u hve class today? Nt goin college?” then I said “I just arrived ” -__-“  /sigh and yesyeah jst touchdown home bcoz sumtyms d lecture doesn’t come so huh and was on Saturday I went to college at 10am and at 6pm ma dad kolled me well ma dad took ma mum’s job to control me, sis, and bro whneva we late go home durin ma mum went to Jakarta...d conversation was me: halo pa| dad: dis tym u hvent gone home yet..where are u? | me: mall | dad: I think u went to college y at mall? | me: I mean ya I went to college and afta dat mall (omg dad) | dad: oh ya dnt forget to go home soon | me: okay pa -___-“ …dats all coz ma bad habit is neva inform to mum or dad where am lol they’d lyk to kol and text many tyms especially ma mum…she knows when class ova and when I have class so wheneva go home late…then shes in action to “bomb” ma phone woaaahh sounds scary LOL :D :D and ma otha bad habit is alwys setttin in silent profile so sumtyms didn’t notice when ppl kol and text...dats y ma parents scold me coz of dat and ma sis “joined” and took a chance to scold me too, she said “so when in urgent condition and sumone is dyin in hospital, when u read d text and go to hospital, u will arrive when dat sumone dead” and then I just huh so alay -__-“ .. Idk y I dnt lyk if ma phone rings especially when am at class huh it so disturbs and Idk y ma sis so loves to set profile w/max volume w/song she loves huh especially when it rings so long coz shes nt around when it rings…I just took her mobile to stop d ringin…but shes textin mania and am bored to hear d song..d same song lol sumtyms I ask her to chnge d song so bored coz she alwys asks songs to me and d songs I sent her are alwys she loves and made it as d ringin for her mobile and also I asked  to decrease d volume pleasseeee huh /sigh I miss ma mum so much..miss when she wakes me up and since ma mum sis took her job…if as usual I c ma mum then nowadays I c ma sis huh bad scenery in d mg…shes ma lyf..thres no ex mum, no ex dad, no ex sis, no ex bro well but thres an ex bf, an ex gf etc sooo yaahh I love em all I know probably am not a gud daughter for mum and dad but am alwys tryin to be wat u want..and I believe wat mum and dad want is d best for me…and am sorry if sumtyms made mum and dad disappointed at me..I try ma best as alwys J am proud of bein their daughter <3 <3 <3 ma mum is ma wonder woman and I love heerr soo soo soo soo soo much more than anyone in dis world :’)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Untitled Part II LOL :P

I was sittin alone and suddenly remembered sumthin, hmmm its bot 3weeks ago…well I went out w/ma sis at 10pm…and we got to d destination…ahaa! Martabak LOL :D yeah so yummy :9 and then ma sis said “hey luk at dat old lady”…I luked and huh its not old lady I gues..granny exactly -__-“ well dnt knw wats d different or is it same? Haha leave it :p so I saw her was sittin alone, and next to her is her bag..its big I guess…dnt knw where she is from or whre she wanted go…so pity and it touched ma heart..ouch L then me and ma sis kept lukin at her and ma sis said “oh shes so pity, and I even cant imagine if grandma was her”…I didn’t answer her..I was thinkin of ma grandma..yesyeah mum of ma dad…only her still alive..parents of ma mum already passed away..and dad of ma dad also…so only her I have still till now..well ma dad pure Java..and ma granny there at Java w/uncles and aunties…I dnt rememba when d last tym I met..I just rememba when she visited Makassar..I was sleepin w/her bout a month when she was here…just say dat am her rummate -__-“ she used to scold me if I woke up late *errr* granny’s nature..shes great in cookin well shes d champion lol :D missin her so much <3..OMG I forgot d main story lol soo whre was I? oh ya still bot “granny” well when ma sis said lyk dat..I was thinkin of ma grandma and just shit I got mad…Idk to whom I mad..I jst dnt get y dis granny here..y?! just temme y huh okay useless no answered *gaveup* and I calmed..till tadaaaaa! D hero came…a guy came..hmm I mean old man…yeah bot 40years not grandpa ryt?! :p and dat man asked her and huhuhuhuh he used alien language -__-“ even tot I was born here, Makassar but Idk d pure lang of Makassar..its bugis makassar..but not all conversation in alien lang…well I got d point sooo she was waitin her nephew to pick her up…*sigh* atleast I knw d reason y a granny here..I knw shes not from Mars -__-“…and u knw wat dnt knw y just lyk I wanna hit and scold her nephew…stupid nephew..idiot…sucks…by seein dat granny I knew she has waited for long tym…ma sis said “astaghfirullah how cud her nephew do dat?! Does her nephew have heart?!” and I knew d weather was cold and she folded her arms across her chest…I cudnt help to c…feels lyk I wanna take her to ma home but okay its not a gud idea coz if her nephew cmes and luks for her…well it wud be dangerous so when I got wat we bought..we went home…and when arrived dnt knw y ma mind cant stop thinkin bot her *deepsigh* but I cant do anything,  I felt useless..sumtyms I hate maself when I cant help ppl who need helps :’( so I made maself busy, was watchin till tired and then slept coz I knw I wud be more felt bad If stuck on her….
And then d next day when I was at college…ma worms in tummy were dancing soo I knew wat they wanted…I chose meatballs :9…I enjoyed alone was bestfrnd was sick huhu :* while eatin…I saw a kid came and saw ppl eatin..oh I felt bad really..and Idk wat ppl were thinkin…did they feelin d same?! So I tried to gve him money..he acceptd..well I knw its not much I gave but atleast I gave it from ma bottom heart…w/all ma heart..and hope God will bless me and will replace ma money more than wat I gave him..its beta than give much money but w/half of our heart or just wanna take ppl’s me u wont get blessin, u only will lose ur  money for nothin..useless.. weeeell, done w/meatballs, and he was still thre..I wonder wat he wantd..hmmm…so I bought meatballs for him..but he denied well it was hurtin me coz I failed mke him happy…and I asked d seller…”do u think wat he wants?” He said “he wanted more money”…ouch I dnt think so…well it was hot…hot weather so I tried to gve him water…and huh he denied again and I was so desperate, omg wat he wantd (dies), I already gave him money then he wanted more?! I asked d seller “how cud u so sure dat kid wanted more money?” Then he said “coz sumtyms I gve him money too and afta dat, he always goes and then he comes back w/his frnds and his frnds will ask money too”…and then I was speechless -___-“ I was thinkin dat I wont be here for long tym, so If I gv more money and then he goes and cmes bck w/his frnds then who will gve em?!...okay fixed, I didn’t gve more…If I gve then I wudnt be fair coz their frnds wudnt get when he got…coz I hve to go home and beta I make 1 person disappointed than make 2,3,4 persons disappointed..If ppl around were care w/dat kid…I wont worry coz If I gv more to d kid, and then his frnds cme, dat ppl will gve for his frnds when am gone but d fact against of it…ppl around seemed don’t care w/dat kid…most of em ma seniors kept eatin..talkin…whres their heart? Havent they? Even if they have mybe covered by their own businesses…hearts only for their lovers mybe or just keep lovin themselves..helloooo ure livin in d world NOT ALONE! Thre are sum ppl need care and love dat we have to share..just stop bein selfish!!! Its worthlESS  to keep selfishnESS..just mke u heartlESS and carelESS and ur lyf will become uselESS…seems lyk madnESS..okay stop ditaESS -__-“ Nobody’s perfect and mybe sum ppl happy w/dat way well just go ahead then but I cant guarantee dat happiness for me its “TEMPORARY” not “PERMANENT”…wat makes me happy is when I can share anythin and evrythin I had w/ppl who need..but w/one condition is I WUD NEVA EVA WANT TO SHARE MA BOYFIE, if ppl love me then they will respect me and ma relationship..but sum ppl seem hve no brain to think bot dat and neva put respect on dat if u dnt hve it..just say “GUDBYE” to me and dnt eva waste ur tym for bein FAKE PPL who GUD IN FRONT OF ME BUT “BITCHES IN ACTION” BEHIND ME…just temme how much is ur price? Or just put d tag price on urself so ppl who want buy dat kinda stuff cud buy u easily…or mybe thres no price so happy ppl will get for “FREE” lmao, their place in trash and hell..dnt deserve in ma lyf which only available for ppl w/gud hearts. Well sorry it was jst lyk *commercialbreak* but dat commercial break is true..I’ve been in bitter-sweet relationship when many ppl came btwen me and him and pooorrrr guys..cant ignore dat kinda gals hmmm okay so just leave it -___-“ well when we share eachotha, d most important is our mater sad or happy, laugh or cry, smile or long as we use dis formula “ME+YOU=US”Yit will makes us feel beta and lyf is beautiful when u can share ‘em… I used to share ma smile to ppl I knw when I makes me feel gud and happy but am not smiling to ppl dat I dnt knw coz probably they wud think am crazy :D and I wil gve one simple example bot “sharin” so…poor guy who has lovly family…alwys warm, carin and lovin eachotha…then rich guy who has broken family and careless…they are best frnds..then poor guy shares his family to rich guy so he wont feel lonely and he will feel wat poor guy feels, livin in great family and then rich guy helps his new family in financially…so they fill eachotha..thers no emptiness…no more…d different is not alwys bad..sumtyms it can make us unite..just imagine if in dis world we are all same…wat wud happen if all ppl are rich? Wat wud happen if all ppl are happy? Then ppl wud neva want to work coz they think am rich..and then if all of us are happy..dont feel SAD, HURT, PAIN etc…it jst makes us bcome selfish and don’t care eachotha coz they wud think dat am happy…it wud mke us forget God…sad exists bcoz God wants us to care eachotha..when ppl we love are sad..its our DUTY to put their smile back on their pretty face, listen their problems, give suggest if need, give motivation and support, gve shoulder to cry on, hug ‘em, stay beside ‘em, push ‘em back in their spirit and dnt eva make ‘em feel alone J  u will be d happiest person in dis world when they cme w/tears but bcoz of u, it ends w/smile…well cant imagine dat great feelin, trust me J
Ohh ya am still havin a story…so on Saturday nyt I was goin out w/mum, dad, bro and sis…and at traffic lyts thre are sum kids..sum of em sold newspapers and sum of em just sat..and ma dad said “luk at ‘em..they are still little, they dnt hve to work, so pity” ma dad is ryt…I agreed w/him…we were just silent but our eyes on their kids….I saw sum of em laughed and saw a kid bot 4years his body, his skin gives a sign dat he neva got gud treat..he didn’t use slippers but still can laugh w/his frnds…omg so thankful to Allah SWT and so grateful for ma lyf..when I was little..I shudnt work..I hve ma parents who love me alwys and care to me…so please ppl dnt think dat u hve bad lyf..dnt think dat ur lyf is not worthy…wheneva u gve up of ur lyf..alwys luk at ppl who more unlucky than u…it will make u feel so grateful…wat a shame if u gve up..jst think bot those kids…they work hard and still can laugh…they think bot their foods..cud they eat today or not..think bot their place just to rest their bones afta fytin w/cruel world…whre shud they sleep tonyt? On d street? Old buildins? Under bridges?...seein d spirit of em..we must have dat spirit too...I wanna help em all but I cudnt do anything :( one thing is d only dat I can do is pray, pray, and pray...coz ma prayers alwys goes w/em…but I hve dreams…I wish I cud build a home for ‘em all :’)..a place for em to live and treat em gud jst lyk ma own kids..for reachin ma dreams its not easy..i hve to be successful lady…I wish I had husby who has dreams same lyk me…so togetha we wud build dat home J as a man, u shud smart, its bcoz of doesn’t matter how poor u are..but if u hve brilliant brain..ur brain will find d way to become successful man, othawise no matter how rich u are..if ure dumb…so smart ppl will beat u easily…if ur parents rich but ure long are ur parents’ age? So when they die..can u survive? Just alwys c d secret of successful ppl….they have great ideas, discipline, honest and alwys spirit. Thres a famous businessman in Indonesia..his name is Bob Sadino, I adore him actually :”>  long tym ago he was just sellin eggs from door to door and coz of his honesty, spirit and discipline also alwys prayin…now hes bcome great entrepreneur..altot hes so rich but hes humble…hes only wearin a short sleeve shirt and shorts…even till now hes 79years old..awesum ryt lol ;) dnt eva say dat ure rich coz of matter how hard ure tryin…if God doesn’t let u to be wont be..God is so easy to let u up and down…when God gives a trust but u jst throw it away and cant keep it..dont worry, dat trust wont belong to ppl who cant keep it..othawise beta God gives to otha ppl who more deserve…who can keep it….just luk at d corruptors *sigh* well I hate em all ewwwhhhh they misuse their power..SMART PEOPLE W/POOR HEART!!! they are highly educated but their moral zero -__-“ seems hve no heart….wheneva they chase money..they will do anythin, no matter gud or bad..when they got wat they want…they wud neva satisfy coz yesyeah its human’s nature…but they shudnt take ryts of otha..they are greedy and selfish…their brains just to figure out how to get more money w/o thinkin of their obligation to d ppl and nation…sum of em have forgotten their main duty as a representative of d ppl…but their pleasure is only temporary, bcoz sum of em ended up in jail, be punished for wat they have done, but unfortunately nowadays d prosecutors and judges can be bribed….ahhhh and IT SUCKSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! POLITIC SUCKS!! Buts its d fact huh and its lyf whre alwys has gud and bad things -__-“ I think dats all wat I can write…hope ppl who read dis can get any inspiration lol and sum ppl can realize dat lyf is short and worthy…be gud to ppl and be useful for not a smart gal…actually am stupid but I hve to express ma opinions & feelins becoz dis is a democracy whre we’re free to voice our opinion as a citizen..and just imagine if ppl were not selfish & otha ppl can think bot d little ppl who live in deprivation and more in need…probably lyf is more beautiful :) I just wanna say dat don’t eva luk up but luk down & u will feel very grateful for d lyf God has given to us…alwys pray d best and ask God for good…coz God is not deaf & blind, all-seein, all-hearin, all-knowin, no one can escape from d sight of God…just wait ur tym and be patient..have faith and by God willin, nothin’s impossible in dis lyf JA

Thursday, April 12, 2012


LOST…..yesyeaahh am lost, bcoz of LOVE…love can make sick ppl become health..can make health ppl bcome sick…which one am I belong?! I even don’t know and don’t wanna  find it out. I wish I cud buy new heart…wash ma brain…I dnt wanna live in past..coz it was too hurts…I even dnt knw now have I passed it all?! Its present yeah but soul and heart are still in past…wat bot ma future? No one knows..only Allah knows…am so sad tonyt…really sad coz am an idiot who wanted hurt sumone but when I hve done heart more hurts..I just wanna make sumone to hate me…I knw it will hurt him but its d only way I guess to forget d past…any else?! I dnt think so…d more I try, more hard for me to forget..I knw it wont lyk as instant as make instant noodles..its all bot TYM….yaa tym…and we cant turn it back. We have tym now…tmorw..d day afta tmorow…we can learn by d past..only dat we can do coz we cant back…only movin forward..go ahead coz lyf must go on, no matter cryin and dnt knw wat to do…acted lyk don’t care but I swear it hurts…hurts when I knew he got hurts by ppl he trusts on....hurt, mad, and sad when he said stupid to himself…I wonder, whre were u?! seems lyk u played w/ma heart when I was w/u..u really neva used it and jst threw ma cares and love away then now?! even ppl who love me said "r u crazy?! just move on...forget all..u got hurt too much...u dserve get better". Its tragic…I was writin sum stupid things long tym w/smile on ma face full of love and happiness and then now again writin stupid thing w/wet & swollen eyes also heartbroken and yeah still all bot YOU!!! I just wanna say LOVE is UNPREDICTABLE, u can make a plan and still dnt knw wat wud happen later...sumtyms sumthin happens..sumthin dat we neva expect but it happens </3

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's Day!!!

April 1st 2012………………
I woke up in d morning bot 7am and then as usual online lol wat else…and then on FB Puspa Pebrianti chatted me said sis fisa asks u to come mig well I said okay wait…then I came and went to Sean’s rum…I met her thre and I askd y sis? Pebot said u wanted talk w/me then she said ya sis I wanna talk serious w/ya…and then said wat serious? But huh she left and then Pebot pv me said sis y don’t u cme in rum? I said I had meet in Sean’s rum then she said come in rum then..fisa is getting angry now (Pebot was ---> :-O) and then I said y? she said Idk just come then well I said okay….
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I entred and got fisa’s text she said am her sis but she backstabbed me” and gita got shocked  ---> :-O also pebot and then I was bein d suspected person…they judged me….bombed me w/million questions…Fisa said “mb told me dat u introduced him w/ur bestfrnd and dats y he rarely cmes online coz of he chatted w/dat gal w/otha id” and I was WAT???? :-O” “am neva did it, mb told a lie…how cud? And whos dat gal?” and then she said “now u are askin me whos dat gal? ask urself” (I was ‘woaaahhhhhh’ delicious breakfast in d mg, wat d ….?!!) they kept judging me and I hate dat coz I didn’t do anything wrong soooo realy realy didn’t get…and I swore in d name of Allah and pebot said “don’t take Allah’s name”…….and OMG I wud neva eva swear for lies…especially w/Allah’s name….1st I tot dat it was just jokin coz its weird lyk pebot askd me to come and was nycly in pv and then in rum changed bcome power ranger LOL :D and then gita pretended shockd :D ma heart was so hurtin by their judges…and I was cryin huh it touched ma heart so…coz they judged for thing dat am neva did till I remind dat was in mb’s rum I introduced him w/ma frnd in real is rani..even fisa and mb hvnt met yet soo it wasn’t wrong coz they hvnt known eachotha yet and also I said if dat gal he meant so am gonna ask her for knwin d truth coz she even neva cme online anymore and then how cud he chatted her? I was thinkin dat mb is so cruel and liar….I explained to em in rum and I said gonna text her and then Pebot and Fisa said “no need just stay here and I just wanna say sumthin to u for d last tym and listen me carefully”…………………………………………………………
“HAPPY APRIL FOOL, WE LOVE YOU SIS :* :* :* :*” and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT successfully they fooled me and its pebot’s idea huh so fisa did it to pebot but failed so she gave suggest to fisa coz she said am innocent huhuhuuhu and she tot dat I will cry and yesyeahh they got d main purpose….I was thinkin bfore dat r they just fuckin kiddin me?!...and I wanted to ask to em but they got anger at me and I tot its not d correct tym when ppl get angry at u and u ask dat such an impolite quest coz really they are great in actin lol :D :D :D I was doubtin when eve came and pebot said “now I know d color of u” and eve said “dita is a rainbow I guess :D”….at dat tym I wanted ask wat kinda is d color then pebsuuuu? But again I didn’t and then fisa slapped eve coz she was laughin ouccccccccccccchhhh *errr* and fisa said dat eve almost broke d plannin and wanted tel me d truth ohh dnt worry eve sis..sean will kiss ur cheeks awawwwwww :D lol but I got slap also from pebot twice if I wasn’t mistaken….so fisa said “forgive me sis eerrrr” and I said “its okay sis :* thx for foolin me, I was just shockin and surprised u all can judge me lyk dat”….they were LOL and sean came and they kept laughin and kissin and huggin me awawwwwww *blushin* and wat d hell sean asked repeat lol he missed d best scenes :D fisa said d next round is mb and we shud ssssssssshhhhhhh *shut+up=shutup* :D and yesyeah I wanted involve but I think I missed d scenes coz I went offline afta got surprised by ‘em…was helpin ma mum cookin yumm yummm :9 and till nyt I didn’t cmbk…net sucks on pc and was runnin out of credits…pooooorr mee -___-“ Fisa said “sorry sis u laugh and cry at d same tym” then I said “its okay sis laughin afta cryin atleast not cryin afta laughin :*” was sighin so deeeeeeeeeeeeeppp as deep as sea lol afta knw dat they wre just kiddin me and OMG how cud I fgrt dat today is d 1st day of April whre ppl make plannin for foolin otha….If I c ma calendar  at 1st ...they wud fail but othawise they got wat they want…..I admit dat Fisa & Pebot are great in actin :* :D gita I was doubtin at her and eve was too much laughin sis lol :D :D dats y u got slap *errr* just admit dat Fisa is our Guru in everythin hahahhahahah :D next I will sleep w/ma calendar so when wk up I will knw d date coz I admit dat I hve been fooled coz of date….I updated status "Happy Saturday" when dat day was Friday :D I didn’t realize till rizky was pv me and said sis its Friday not Saturday lol huh I was mistaken, I tot yesterday ma bro went to pray jumma Mubarak….Oh Gawd dats y avi in rum said ditu happy Saturday lol :D and I replied confidently ya Happy Saturday lol I knw afta dat huh and I tot he was mokin me lol but didn’t tel me bot ma wrong stat….I was so thankful to ledyqiud and yeah she was laughin in ma pv :* …….. and also I wanted go to college when it was national holiday….I hve taken bath and I saw ma card study plan and saw d lessons & I remembred ma frnds said dat next week we wont hve dis class coz of holiday and I ran took ma mobile and saw d date…Oh thx coz I hvnt dressed yet so no need to chnge clothes lol….I felt weird at 1st coz ma dad didn’t go to office and ma sis didn’t go to school…and If I didn’t c ma card study plan…I wud be lyk idiot study aloneeeee -___-“ so I came back chattin and pebot askd u said hve class y u hre? So I told her and she was LOL at me :D :D yeahhhh almost huh (dies)
By d way….anyway…busway….I got sum lessons by dis April Fool’s Day:
1st I’d rather be fooled than backstabbed...2nd we live in dis world sumtyms cry, laugh, sad, happy and I laugh afta cry…its beta than cry afta laugh so I believe sumone will make me smile wide than bfore….laugh out loud more than before…and wish no more tears….so beware for ppl who laugh ova otha….just wait d turn back and be ready for dat…coz lyf lyk a spinnin wheel,  sumtyms we’re above & sumtyms below ... and I believe dat :) not always lyk wat we expect…sumtyms, sumthin wat we expect is not d goodest for us…not alwys happy….but not alwys sad soo just enjoy every moment we have & wait d next moment which will come to us…no one knows d future. I love ya all just lyk ma real sis….u all have taken ur own seat in ma heart…no one can replace d seats so just lets watch d movie lol…now ma love is just only for u all ma sis….am happy coz of u all…and thx for lovin me and bein w/me till now. Lots of kissssssssssssssssss :* :* :* ………..lots of huggggggggggggggggg {} {} {}…………..and lots of loveeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 <3 <3 for ya allllllllllllllll

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

D Color of Lyf♥

So many exam yeahhh endLESS exam…exam of ma lyf and dnt know whres d end coz its endless..everytym passed d one, d otha one just cmes ‘round again again again again neva ova, nva end and its really made me sick, tired, gettin insane, sad, cry…afta dat alwys thinkin and hope it wud nva come again but they are tryin to c how patient maself is, how strong maself is to pass it successfully..sumtyms I jst felt give up and wantd give dat exam paper  to lecture..but d rule is we hve to fyt alone w/dat shitty questions til d end, til d last drop of blood  and make a mess dat paper w/ma stupid answers…sumtyms I got gud mark and I can smile and happy :), sumtyms am so poor in it and jst dspointd also sad  :(..and afta dat… more for d next exam and hope I’ll get d best mark eva…but I hvent got it yet and I dnt know when dat great moment comes to me. Jst Idk whennnn -___-“

dis is d nytmare for all stdnts :(((

we are alwys wantin dis..alwys gud..perfect!!! :)))

we can c how happy they is alwys waitin d darkness to go away from beautiful sky...we are wanting happpiness but just in tym...afta passin sucks exams w/gud marks..dont worry an amazin world waits u there & I believe dat just neva give up, be strong, keep spirit and pray for gud <3<3<3<3 :'):*

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Songs 'bout You♥

I’ve got d best thing in d world..coz I got u in ma heart..and dis screw little world..let’s hold hand togetha..we can share foreva..maybe sumday d sky will be coloured w/our love..please say dat u love me dat we’ll neva be apart..u hve to promise dat u will be faithful..and there will be lots & lots of is d thing dat really matters in dis world (Mocca-The Best Thing). I wanna make u smile..wheneva ure sad..I’ll get ur medicine when ur tummy u a fire if d furnace breaks..oh it cud be so nyc..growin old w/uuuu (Adam Sandler-Grow Old With You). I’ve been alone so many nyts now..and be w/u..just to be w/ here am starin at d moon tonyt..wonderin how u luk in dis light..mybe ure sumwhere thinkin bot me, be w/u (David Archuleta-To Be With You). Perbedaan jadi tidak berarti..karena hati telah memilih..di mataku kita berdua satu..apapun yang mengganggu..cinta takkan salah (Derby & Gita Gutawa-Cinta Takkan Salah) well yeah Indo song so if u guys confused and dnt know so just go to google translate lol. Constantly boy u played thru ma mind lyk a symphony..theres no way to describe wat u do to me..u just do to me..I I love u lyk a love song baby (Selena Gomez & The Scene-Love You Like A Love Song). Shine a light thru an open and lyf I will divide..turn away coz I need u more..feel d heartbeat in ma mind..bcoz d way am feelin I just cant deny..But I gotta let it go..we found love in a hopeless place (Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris-We Found Love) its d song (d most) dat make me remind him everytym am listenin it hmmmm ;) I know dat he loves dis song more covered by Boyce Avenue & I admit it also cant deny dat its awesum…I fell in love w/Boyce when I saw advertisement on TV  for promotin their concert in Jakarta, Indonesia…1st listened their song it was just Chorus Teenage Dream of Katy Perry covered by ‘em and I said to ma self “Oh Gawd who r they??? Oh shit he has great voice, I shud know ‘em all, I shud download their songs, I shud listen dat song till d last minute” LOL was so excited --__--“. Since I found world seems so brand new..
u've show
n me d love I neva knew..ur presence is wat ma whole lyf thru..since I found lyf begin so who needs a dream when theres u..for all of ma dreams came true (Christian Bautista-Since I Found You). You, u put d blue back in d sky..u put d rainbow in ma eyes..a silver linin in ma prayers..and now theres colour everywhere..u put d red back in d rules..jst when I needed it d most..u came along to show u care & now theres colour everywhere..everywhere (Christian Bautista-Colour Everywhere). If eva u wondered..if u touched ma soul yes u do..since I met u am not d same..u bring lyf to everythn I do..jst d way u say hello..w/one touch I cant let go..neva tot I'd fall in love w/u..becoz of u ma lyf has changed..thank u for d love & joy u bring..becoz of u..I feel no shame..I'll tell d world it's becoz of u (Keith Martin-Because Of You). You raise me I can stand on mountains..u raise me walk on stormy strong when am on ur shoulders..u raise me more than I can be (Josh Groban-You Raise Me Up). To be w/u is all dat I need..coz w/u ma lyf seems brighter & these are all d things..I wanna say..I will fly into ur arms & be w/u til d end of tym..y r u so far away..u know its very hard for get maself close to u (Ten 2 Five-I Will Fly). I do I do I do I do I do love u..I do I do I do I do I do need u..I do I do I do I do I do think bout u..theres nothin dat I want but u..dont keep d problem inside..just temme & we’ll try to fix it up..we’re gonna go thru dis together..I’ll be there for ya anytym u want (Ten 2 Five-I Do). Jika kau tak percaya pada ku..sakitnya aku..jika kau lebih dengar mereka..sedih hatiku..banyak cinta yang datang mendekat..ku menolak..semua itu karena ku cinta kau..kau..saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau..saat kau rindu aku juga rasa..ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku..kau tahu ku juga ingin denganmu..ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku..ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan..Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau (Bunga Citra Lestari-Karena Ku Cinta Kau). I hve written many songs but u know wat?! They r not enuf yet for tellin wat I felt. It will need thousands or million pages :D. Love is so hard to explain, so many singers/band are singin songs bot LOVE, so many lyrics bot LOVE dat just lyk neva ends. D best song is d song when we listen, we will yell inside of our hearts “yesyeaahhh its me!” or “oh dis song just lyk slap ma face” or “how sweet d song is T.T” or “how sad d song is” (til mybe u didn’t realize afta hear dat song, ur eyes becme wet) and bla bla bla *&%#@?!. D best singer is when they sing a song w/all of their heart and their voice can make us freeze lol and wheneva we listen new song, we will yell dat “hey, I knw dat great voice..its Taylor Swift” means d singer is realy realy we know even we hvent known yet d title of dat song. Today is Promise Day :) So...Happy Promise Day! I just wanna say to ma lovly man hope u can listen all songs of dis stupid blog. Am sure u hve known sum songs dat I wrote & for d rest songs dat u hvent listened yet. Hope u caaaaaaannnnnn :* ;) :x :”>