I was sittin alone and suddenly
remembered sumthin, hmmm its bot 3weeks ago…well I went out w/ma sis at
10pm…and we got to d destination…ahaa! Martabak LOL :D yeah so yummy :9 and then ma sis said “hey luk at dat old lady”…I luked and huh its not
old lady I gues..granny exactly -__-“ well dnt knw wats d different or is it
same? Haha leave it :p so I
saw her was sittin alone, and next to her is her bag..its big I guess…dnt knw
where she is from or whre she wanted go…so pity and it touched ma heart..ouch L then me and ma sis kept lukin at her and ma sis
said “oh shes so pity, and I even cant imagine if
grandma was her”…I didn’t answer her..I was thinkin of ma
grandma..yesyeah mum of ma dad…only her still alive..parents of ma mum already passed
away..and dad of ma dad also…so only her I have still till now..well ma dad pure Java..and ma granny there at Java w/uncles
and aunties…I dnt rememba when d last tym I met..I just rememba when she
visited Makassar..I was sleepin w/her bout a month when she was here…just say
dat am her rummate -__-“ she used to scold me if I woke up late *errr* granny’s
nature..shes great in cookin well shes d champion lol :D missin her so much <3..OMG
I forgot d main story lol soo whre was I? oh ya still bot “granny” well when ma sis said lyk
dat..I was thinkin of ma grandma and just shit I got mad…Idk to whom I mad..I
jst dnt get y dis granny here..y?! just temme y huh okay useless no answered
*gaveup* and I calmed..till tadaaaaa! D hero came…a guy came..hmm I mean old
man…yeah bot 40years old..so not grandpa ryt?! :p and
dat man asked her and huhuhuhuh he used alien language -__-“ even tot I was
born here, Makassar but Idk d pure lang of Makassar..its bugis makassar..but
not all conversation in alien lang…well I got d point sooo she was waitin her nephew
to pick her up…*sigh* atleast I knw d reason y a granny here..I knw shes not
from Mars -__-“…and u knw wat dnt knw y just lyk I wanna hit and scold her
nephew…stupid nephew..idiot…sucks…by seein dat granny I knew she has
waited for long tym…ma sis said “astaghfirullah how
cud her nephew do dat?! Does her nephew have heart?!” and I knew d
weather was cold and she folded her arms across her chest…I cudnt help to
c…feels lyk I wanna take her to ma home but okay its not a gud idea coz if her
nephew cmes and luks for her…well it wud be dangerous so when I got wat we
bought..we went home…and when arrived dnt knw y ma mind cant stop thinkin bot
her *deepsigh* but I cant do anything, I
felt useless..sumtyms I hate maself when I cant help ppl who need helps :’( so I made maself busy, was
watchin till tired and then slept coz I knw I wud be more felt bad If stuck on
And then d next day when I was
at college…ma worms in tummy were dancing soo I knew wat they wanted…I chose
meatballs :9…I enjoyed alone was eatin..ma bestfrnd was sick huhu :* while eatin…I saw a kid came
and saw ppl eatin..oh I felt bad really..and Idk wat ppl were thinkin…did they
feelin d same?! So I tried to gve him money..he acceptd..well I knw its not
much I gave but atleast I gave it from ma bottom heart…w/all ma heart..and hope
God will bless me and will replace ma money more than wat I gave him..its beta
than give much money but w/half of our heart or just wanna take ppl’s attention..trust
me u wont get blessin, u only will lose ur money for nothin..useless.. weeeell, done
w/meatballs, and he was still thre..I wonder wat he wantd..hmmm…so I bought
meatballs for him..but he denied well it was hurtin me coz I failed mke him
happy…and I asked d seller…”do u think wat he
wants?” He said “he wanted more money”…ouch
I dnt think so…well it was hot…hot weather so I tried to gve him water…and huh
he denied again and I was so desperate, omg
wat he wantd (dies), I already gave him money then he wanted more?! I asked d
seller “how cud u so sure dat kid wanted more
money?” Then he said “coz sumtyms I gve him
money too and afta dat, he always goes and then he comes back w/his frnds and
his frnds will ask money too”…and then I was speechless -___-“ I was
thinkin dat I wont be here for long tym, so If I gv more money and then he goes
and cmes bck w/his frnds then who will gve em?!...okay fixed, I didn’t gve
more…If I gve then I wudnt be fair coz their frnds wudnt get when he got…coz I
hve to go home and beta I make 1 person disappointed than make 2,3,4 persons
disappointed..If ppl around were care w/dat kid…I wont worry coz If I gv more
to d kid, and then his frnds cme, dat ppl will gve for his frnds when am gone but
d fact against of it…ppl around seemed don’t care w/dat kid…most of em ma
seniors kept eatin..talkin…whres their heart? Havent they? Even if they have
mybe covered by their own businesses…hearts only for their lovers mybe or just
keep lovin themselves..helloooo ure livin in d world NOT ALONE! Thre are sum
ppl need care and love dat we have to share..just stop bein selfish!!! Its worthlESS to keep selfishnESS..just mke u heartlESS and
and ur lyf will become uselESS…seems lyk madnESS..okay stop ditaESS -__-“
Nobody’s perfect and
mybe sum ppl happy w/dat way well just go ahead then but I cant guarantee dat
happiness for long...trust me its “TEMPORARY” not “PERMANENT”…wat
makes me happy is when I can share anythin and evrythin I had w/ppl who need..but
w/one condition is I
WUD NEVA EVA WANT TO SHARE MA BOYFIE, if ppl love me then they will
respect me and ma relationship..but sum ppl seem hve no brain to think bot dat
and neva put respect on dat aspect..so
if u dnt hve it..just say “GUDBYE” to me
and dnt eva waste ur tym for bein FAKE PPL who GUD IN FRONT OF ME BUT “BITCHES IN ACTION”
BEHIND ME…just temme how much is ur price? Or just put d tag price
on urself so ppl who want buy dat kinda stuff cud buy u easily…or mybe thres no
price so happy ppl will get for “FREE”
lmao, their place in trash and hell..dnt deserve in ma lyf which only available
for ppl w/gud hearts. Well sorry it was jst lyk *commercialbreak* but dat
commercial break is true..I’ve been in bitter-sweet relationship when many ppl
came btwen me and him and pooorrrr guys..cant ignore dat kinda gals hmmm okay
so just leave it -___-“ well when we share eachotha, d most important is our
thogetaness..no mater sad or happy, laugh or cry, smile or tears...as long as
we use dis formula “ME+YOU=US”Yit will makes us feel
beta and lyf is beautiful when u can share ‘em… I used to share ma smile to ppl
I knw when I meet..it makes me feel gud and happy but am not smiling to ppl dat
I dnt knw coz probably they wud think am crazy :D and I
wil gve one simple example bot “sharin”
so…poor guy who has lovly family…alwys warm, carin and lovin eachotha…then rich
guy who has broken family and careless…they are best frnds..then poor guy shares
his family to rich guy so he wont feel lonely and he will feel wat poor guy
feels, livin in great family and then rich guy helps his new family in financially…so
they fill eachotha..thers no emptiness…no more…d different is not alwys bad..sumtyms
it can make us unite..just imagine if in dis world we are all same…wat wud happen if all ppl are rich? Wat wud happen if
all ppl are happy? Then ppl wud neva want to work coz they think am rich..and
then if all of us are happy..dont feel SAD, HURT, PAIN etc…it jst makes us
bcome selfish and don’t care eachotha coz they wud think dat am happy…it wud
mke us forget God…sad exists bcoz God wants us to care eachotha..when ppl we
love are sad..its our DUTY to put their smile back on their pretty face,
listen their problems, give suggest if need, give motivation and support, gve
shoulder to cry on, hug ‘em, stay beside ‘em, push ‘em back in their spirit and
dnt eva make ‘em feel alone J u will be d happiest person in dis world when
they cme w/tears but bcoz of u, it ends w/smile…well cant imagine dat great
feelin, trust me J
Ohh ya am still havin a
story…so on Saturday nyt I was goin out w/mum, dad, bro and sis…and at traffic
lyts thre are sum kids..sum of em sold newspapers and sum of em just sat..and
ma dad said “luk at ‘em..they are still little,
they dnt hve to work, so pity” ma dad is ryt…I agreed w/him…we were just
silent but our eyes on their kids….I saw sum of em laughed and saw a kid bot
4years old..by his body, his skin gives a sign dat he neva got gud treat..he
didn’t use slippers but still can laugh w/his frnds…omg so thankful to Allah
SWT and so grateful for ma lyf..when I was little..I shudnt work..I hve ma
parents who love me alwys and care to me…so please ppl dnt think dat u hve bad
lyf..dnt think dat ur lyf is not worthy…wheneva u gve up of ur lyf..alwys luk
at ppl who more unlucky than u…it will make u feel so grateful…wat a shame if u
gve up..jst think bot those kids…they work hard and still can laugh…they think
bot their foods..cud they eat today or not..think bot their place just to rest
their bones afta fytin w/cruel world…whre shud they sleep tonyt? On d street?
Old buildins? Under bridges?...seein d spirit of em..we must have dat spirit
too...I wanna help em all but I cudnt do anything :( one thing is d only dat
I can do is pray, pray, and pray...coz ma prayers alwys goes w/em…but I hve
dreams…I wish I cud build a home for ‘em all :’)..a place for em to
stay..to rest..to sleep..to play..to live and treat em gud jst lyk ma own
kids..for reachin ma dreams its not easy..i hve to be successful lady…I wish I
had husby who has dreams same lyk me…so togetha we wud build dat home J as a man, u shud smart,
its bcoz of doesn’t matter how poor u are..but if u hve brilliant brain..ur
brain will find d way to become successful man, othawise no matter how rich u
are..if ure dumb…so smart ppl will beat u easily…if ur parents rich but ure
dumb..how long are ur parents’ age? So when they die..can u survive? Just alwys
c d secret of successful ppl….they have great ideas, discipline, honest and alwys
spirit. Thres a famous businessman in Indonesia..his name is Bob Sadino, I
adore him actually :”> long
tym ago he was just sellin eggs from door to door and coz of his honesty,
spirit and discipline also alwys prayin…now hes bcome great entrepreneur..altot
hes so rich but hes humble…hes only wearin a short sleeve shirt and shorts…even
till now hes 79years old..awesum ryt lol ;) dnt eva say dat ure
rich coz of urself..no matter how hard ure tryin…if God doesn’t let u to be
rich..it wont be..God is so easy to let u up and down…when God gives a trust
but u jst throw it away and cant keep it..dont worry, dat trust wont belong to
ppl who cant keep it..othawise beta God gives to otha ppl who more deserve…who
can keep it….just luk at d corruptors *sigh* well I hate em all ewwwhhhh they
misuse their power..SMART PEOPLE W/POOR HEART!!! they are highly educated but their moral zero
-__-“ seems hve no heart….wheneva they chase money..they will do anythin, no
matter gud or bad..when they got wat they want…they wud neva satisfy coz
yesyeah its human’s nature…but they shudnt take ryts of otha..they are greedy
and selfish…their brains just to figure out how to get more money w/o thinkin
of their obligation to d ppl and nation…sum of em have forgotten their main
duty as a representative of d ppl…but their pleasure is only temporary, bcoz
sum of em ended up in jail, be punished for wat they have done, but
unfortunately nowadays d prosecutors and judges can be bribed….ahhhh and IT SUCKSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
POLITIC SUCKS!! Buts its d fact huh and its lyf whre alwys
has gud and bad things -__-“ I think dats all wat I can write…hope ppl who read
dis can get any inspiration lol and sum ppl can realize dat lyf is short and
worthy…be gud to ppl and be useful for otha..am not a smart gal…actually am
stupid but I hve to express ma opinions & feelins becoz dis is a democracy
whre we’re free to voice our opinion as a citizen..and just imagine if ppl were
not selfish & otha ppl can think bot d little ppl who live in deprivation
and more in need…probably lyf is more beautiful :) I just wanna say dat don’t eva luk up but luk down & u
will feel very grateful for d lyf God has given to us…alwys pray d best and ask
God for good…coz God is not deaf & blind, all-seein, all-hearin,
all-knowin, no one can escape from d sight of God…just wait ur tym and be
patient..have faith and by God willin, nothin’s impossible in dis lyf JA