Thursday, December 13, 2012

Miss Ya Sis :'( ♥♥♥

I miss sumone so badly now......
Idk y sudenly remind of her  :(
Sista.....Idk hows ur condition now :( but I hope everythin’s  goin okay w/u there :(  its sad I cant even comunicate w/u or maybe u hate me coz I deleted u and chosen a guy ova u :(  I did not mean to hurt u, neva acros on ma mind, I rememba d tym when u were always here next to me, suported me and made me strong, missin u so badly :( and Idk wat to do, but I wil pray for u, wish d best and gud for u, ur lyf, ur fam. How r ya then? Ur mum? Ur sis? Bro? :( hope u and all are gud and fit....if we are meant to be maybe we cud meet one day, whereva ure I hope u always hapy and one day u realy wil find ur hapines and can heal ur heart which hurts, wish u can find ur prince charmin who realy loves and care for u, just forget d past, it was not worthy AT ALL...but u got d lesson so hope be careful more in takin step and also to let ppl come in in ur lyf, even tot we are so far and hve distance but ure always close to me coz ure in ma heart and a part of it as a person who exists in ma lyf yesterday now and tomorow :’)  actualy I dont hate u and no neva, I believe every person I met in ma lyf has a reason, I wonder wats d reason I met u?! Maybe its not d end yet so Idk yet d reason exactly :)
So am so sory if I eva hurted u sis :’( ♥♥♥

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