Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013! ♥

Gbye 2012!

 Hello 2013...

Well, here we are ppl w/new day....and ofcorz w/new hopes and dreams, start ur new day w/new spirit and gud wishes O:)

If we luk back, there are milion memories we had dat we cudnt even forget as long as we are stil alive, weell mine is I can say dat 2012 was d hardest year since I was born, coz I just got d heartache, and it was so bad, so hurtin me, just lyk a nytmare but am glad now just wakin up, where I c d ppl, realy c their true colours, when ppl I knew just hurted me, I wil neva want to hurt ‘em back, I know I always plant d patience, ppl say God loves patient ppl, God always w/those ppl...I was thinkin dat God neva loved me :’( coz when I got dat hurt lyk aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Y I have to get dis kind of pain??? shit y me???? Y?? Wats ma fault??? Am always gud w/ppl then y ppl bad to me??! I wondered wats wrong w/maself?! *noanswer*


I c God loves me, ma friends love me, made me strong and think dat am stil alive and wat I just got even soo bad and hard but I just cudnt give up easily, coz I know problems wil always come around to ppl, no need to invite and even we have locked d door, d problems may enter thru d window, u c now dat d problems are unwanted things but its not a lyf w/o problems soo just hmmm face it...

w/endless suport and shoulder to cry on...I raised, am glad I can do it coz I think dat I was just sinkin in deep black holee, I thanked to all ma kind hearted friends who always there for me :) I got new friends but study was so sucks, I disapointed ma parents :’( am not proud of d result, it was so embarasin but experience is always d best lesson to learn & I think I learned already hmmm well hope so, just c d next result then afta final exam dat wil be held on Jan 3rd 2013, u know lyk its true dat if we are gud, we wil get gud place too, no mater wat wil hapen, no mater how hard it can be, in d end, u wil get all wat u have done, coz when d ppl hurt u but if ure w/big heart to acept d reality and just be patient, u know lyk a miracle wil ALWAYS come, and d ppl who hurted u, wil get d SAME HURT WAT THEY JUST DID TO U EVEN WORST!!! Soo no need to waste our precious tym for touchin d dust, coz even d wind cud take ‘em away, maybe am d type of person who gud to motivate ppl who realy down but am d one who doesnt know how to do it w/maself, am d one who always tells ppl to not thinkin much bot things bother their mind, but am d one who always think much, I always tell ppl to calm but cudnt even calm maself sumtyms -___-“ coz ITS HARD! Just lyk a barber who can cut ppl’s hair but he even cudnt do it to himself, dats wat I mean bot....

just lyk hmmm I was just talkin w/ma budy, she told me dat she confused bot her heart, she said dat “ma feelin is wrong coz I lyk ma bestfriend” i said “noo, dont eva u blame ur feelin coz love is neva wrong (sudenly just rememba d song w/d title is “love is neva wrong” :p) and love just comes w/o invitation even tot we’d neva tot bfore, if love already choosed, no one can escape” then again said “but Idk exactly do I love him or not coz hes ma bestfriend but y I always think of him these days” I said “its love and am sure it is coz y hes always on ur mind lyk d security of ur mind? -___-“ she said “ya and ma friends also told me dat he lyks me too, even they tot dat me and him are bf and gf, coz we luk lyk a couple not bestfriends” then I just told her “u c u love him and so does he even ppl told u so wat doubt bot? U know sumone told me dat if 2 ppl in love, it means dat love from God means God already approved their love” then she said “d thing is he neva come colege anymore coz he wanted move out, and actualy he was our junior in high schol” ....hmmm dat I realy think dat we wil neva know wat wil hapen, just lyk he was our junior in high school and I hve seen him too many tyms but neva tot dat ma budy wud fal in love in him but yeah it just hapened .... so I just told her “dont wory then, if u both meant to be, u both wud find d way back” she was hopelessly said “am not sure if he realy does love me coz he has a gf” I was “aaahhh wat d fuuuck just forget him! Coz I dont want he hurts u, he doesnt deserve u, ure too gud and so many boys outside, not only him, he just gives nothin, only fake hopes, if he realy loves u then he wil come and show u if not then just forget him, I know easy to say but I can say dat coz I hve been thru w/d same case, when I love a boy for years long tym, but he had a gf, I know I loved him and hurts to know but its pointless and useless coz hes already taken & I dont even want to disturb ppl’s hapines and u c now I can forget him, I dont love him anymore, by tym, yeah tym cud heal all kind of pains” am w/sumone too now and he replaces anotha love dat was in ma heart, he owns all ma heart, no rum for anotha love....well ma budy was just “hmm ya I c coz ma friends also said dat he just gives u fake hopes, I got it”


I realy do hope dat she listens me and her friends, hope she wil try to get ova him, even I know its not easy for her, d thing is shes so easily to fall, I cant blame her coz shes a lovly gal who has soft and kind hearted, well two gals talked from heart to heart, well yeah dis new year me and her just alone *siiigh* she was in her home, and me yes was home too, kinda felt unwell, headache and was weird one, just huh cudnt join w/friends, I tot it wud be borin new year as just me and ma lil bro were at home, realy unexpected new year -__-“ d fireworks already showed off their lights in d sky even bfore new year -__-“ kinda unpatient they are :D they were BOOOOMM hitin ma ears :D but they lyk told dat “hey its beta u watch us then u cover ur ears w/d songs in ur playlist, we are realy kewl -_- dont miss it” soo when d tym was 00:00 I opened ma window and saw oh yess guys y’all are kewl -_- , I saw d dark sky became cheerful & colorful and saw d moon, it was lyk a lonely moon and it jst lyk talked to me, I was starin at d sky and d moon lyk attracted me, I didnt c any starts, only moon, fireworks & d dark sky....d moon lyk asked “hey u c d fireworks?” I answered in ma heart “I c d euforia of new year but fireworks are nothin, ure d brightest & d lightest one in d sky” I was thinkin dat how beautiful d world is, how powerful God is, we all have same sky, we all have same moon, we all can c d moon lyk d moon is so close but nooo, milion miles betwen d moon and us...and we just have DISTANCE, I bet sky is always hapy in new year coz its d tym when nyt luks so brighter and lighter than usualy, ppl in d world celebrate it and lyk just thankful for d sky, thankful for acompanyin ppl for ova a year, thankyou for d nyt, w/o nyt, firework is nothin, I can say dat everythin is useful in dis world, maybe sumtyms we only c d bad side but theres ALWAYS gud side....sudenly I rememba dat am not alone, theres ma bro was watchin tv in parents’ rum, so I came and saw him under blanket, huged pillow, I rememba he said “when new year comes, I wud go out and blow ma trumpet” I was laughin and said “yeah lyk a crazy person alone blow trumpet :D” and he was laughin too :D hes so proud told me dat he made his own trumpet, I know hes creative but d trumpet just too gud and I dnt belive he made it, I tot he bought it but nooo hes lyk “well ask mum then, I was decoratin ma trumpet so it luks gud lyk dis in early morning, wat do u think? Gud ryt? I can seelll trumpet next year :D “ ahhh he just made me laugh even tot Idk he lies or not, so then when I entered rum, I whispered him “hey its newyear, blow ur trumpet” I saw his sweet face, I touched his cheeks and kissed his forhead then he was movin his body and sinkin in dream and I guessed I disturb him soo I pinched his cheks, turned off d tv and left him sleep calm....its okay then u will meet d newyear soon when u wke up :) then I came back watch d fireworks and d lonely moon, I was feeelin so calm and relax, I enjoy d sounds of d fireworks as ma mind flashesback d memories in 2012 bot d pain and hurts, bot d lesson I learned, ma sins & mistakes :( actualy have a bit fear of 2013 which is comin, am afraid get d same hurt anymore, am afraid it so bad but I think forward dat I wil always be okay in d end :’) ma imagination bot wat wil I get in 2013 sudenly vanished by ma neighbour’s fireworks, and they were shoutin “auuw wou...wou...wou” I was lyk aahhhhhhhh >.< wat d heck those guys lyk tarzans -___-“ then I think dat woah I bet ppl who seelll fireworks, corn, fishes, meats & chickens hapy coz those stuuffs become so expensive than usual and ppl who wil celebrate it, willy-nilly have to buy...then I c dat God is soo kind and fair, ppl can earn money by sellin dat kind of stuuffs dat maybe ppl may tease ‘em and think low lyk ewwh ure just a seler bla bla bla but so wat?? As long as its not dirty job, wat for we are rich if we have job only as a murder maybe or coruptors, in d end just we wil lose our money for bribin d cops and judges...only suffer in d end, well its d way we all live, we cudnt live w/o money but money is not everythin in dis world but its hapiness and as we are all human, we are all same, dont eva underestimate ppl from their jobs, u wil neva enjoy d new year w/o fireworks, wat wud d earth say??? If new year w/o fireworks, its lyk eatin tasteless food :3 u shud be thankful othawise, u c dat eveyrthin is useful in dis world, dont eva underestimate things, coz u may need it later .. so HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 UNIVERSE! WISH WE ALL WIL BE BETA PERSONS, AAMIIN..YOLO!!!

Happy New Year 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Miss Ya Sis :'( ♥♥♥

I miss sumone so badly now......
Idk y sudenly remind of her  :(
Sista.....Idk hows ur condition now :( but I hope everythin’s  goin okay w/u there :(  its sad I cant even comunicate w/u or maybe u hate me coz I deleted u and chosen a guy ova u :(  I did not mean to hurt u, neva acros on ma mind, I rememba d tym when u were always here next to me, suported me and made me strong, missin u so badly :( and Idk wat to do, but I wil pray for u, wish d best and gud for u, ur lyf, ur fam. How r ya then? Ur mum? Ur sis? Bro? :( hope u and all are gud and fit....if we are meant to be maybe we cud meet one day, whereva ure I hope u always hapy and one day u realy wil find ur hapines and can heal ur heart which hurts, wish u can find ur prince charmin who realy loves and care for u, just forget d past, it was not worthy AT ALL...but u got d lesson so hope be careful more in takin step and also to let ppl come in in ur lyf, even tot we are so far and hve distance but ure always close to me coz ure in ma heart and a part of it as a person who exists in ma lyf yesterday now and tomorow :’)  actualy I dont hate u and no neva, I believe every person I met in ma lyf has a reason, I wonder wats d reason I met u?! Maybe its not d end yet so Idk yet d reason exactly :)
So am so sory if I eva hurted u sis :’( ♥♥♥